Diabetes Mellitus Foot Ulcer (5)

Patient 71 years old male diabetic mellitus hypertension, chronic kidney disease dyslipidemia, gout Diagnosis Osteomyelitis Lt. 4th distal phalanx Lt.foot Treatment Treated with BluGel everyday Med BluGel everyday Photos
Diabetes Mellitus Foot Ulcer (4)

Patient 62 years old male diabetic mellitus Diagnosis Infected DM Rt. big toe Treatment Debridement + BluGel + WeVaq Products Wevaq + BluGel Photos
Diabetes Mellitus Foot Ulcer (3)

Patient 55 years old female diabetic mellitus Diagnosis Infected DM Rt.foot Treatment Dressed with NSS+SSD for a week then treated with BluRibbon every 3 days Products BluRibbon every 3 days Photos
Diabetes Mellitus Foot Ulcer(2)

Patient 56 years old female diabetic mellitus Diagnosis Callous Lt. Big Toe Treatment Treated by wet dressing for 2 years then changed to BluGel every 3-4 days Products BluGel every 3-4 days Photos
Diabetes Mellitus Foot Ulcer (1)

Patient 45 years old male diabetic mellitus Diagnosis Diabetic mellitus (DM) Lt.foot Treatment Treated with wet dressing for 1 year then changed to BluGel every 2 days Products BluGel every 2 days Photos